K8048 Same problem as others.. "No device ID"

I am having the same problem as in other threads…

I bought my kit… assembled it carefully, observing polarities, and have done a decent job, IMHO.

The kit worked the first time. I put it to PROG and used the included software to send DEMO1.HEX (assembled with the included assembler) to the device. It worked, and the demo program runs just fine on the test board. The LEDs illuminate in sequence when the switch is in the RUN position.

Then I wanted to load another program into the PIC… demo2… so i followed the same procedure i followed for DEMO1.

But… i get the error NO DEVICE ID.

What is going on here? I have not changed any settings. I am using the same power supply i used the first time. When i select “COM1” the program says in “Activity” that the K8048 is detected.

What is the device ID and what are some reasons the software cannot read it?

What might have gone wrong, considering that the board worked the first time?

I do not know enough about what is going on in the software to understand what might be going on here… I anxiously wait for a solution!

Thank you in advance.

Me again: 'recurring ‘No Device ID’. I’ve tried all suggestions shown in this thread, double checked everything I can think of: bought a new serial cable, checked voltage on multimeter, checked all connections, bought a new 18 pin PIC chip in case there was something wrong with the one that came with the kit… The ‘read/write’ light on the kit board comes on when I press the ‘write’ button, so signal is getting through to the board from my computer. The device is recognized in my computer dialog box.

I appreciate the quick responses from the Velleman representative, but their answers are cryptic…

Has anyone who has had this problem found a solution??

This problem appears to be appearing more often - I have experienced the same.

Certain programming settings can corrupt the readback of the ID within the PIC to the PC.

I found by monitoring the Voltage at Pin 4 (the Programming Voltage) that it dropped for a very short period when it was supposed to be high for the programming.

I lifted one end or R13 and managed to program my PIC perfectly.

This prevented the PC from clamping the Programming voltage with T3.

Hope this helps you.

Best Regards

Hello Derek,

Please can you check if you have the same problem/solution when using our PICprog2006 software (designed for K8076, but some PIC’s can be programmed with our K8048 when it’s set to K8048 compatibility mode)


I tried the program as suggested and selected K8048 Compatability mode, selected one of my HEX files, and the Chip type. Attempted to write and again noticed the Program voltage alternate between 5 and 0v throughout the attempt to program.

I managed to clear my menory with this program but when I attempted to program it, it reported it did not recognise the chip, although it was set to 16F627.

I raised R13 to see if I could get around this and no way would it allow me to program the chip with PICprog2006

I switched back to the original program and was again able to program the PIC16F627.


Derek, I’d be grateful for advice to an amateur: can you describe how to lift R13? Does this mean bending the PIC pin up so it doesn’t engage while other pins go into the socket?



On the programming Board.
Make sure your power is off during the modification.

R13 is a 15K ohm resistor near T4.

Use a solder sucker to remove the solder at one end and lift the resistor up at one end out of the board.

Then proceed to clear the PIC memory using the programming program.
After this is don the resitor can be lowered back into it hole and use the write option and the PIC should program perfectly.


Following my post earlier today I think that I have now determined the cause of the problems with the PIC microprogrammer K8048 (and VM111)

Basically the programmer will not work if

  1. You are trying to reprogramme a chip that has any of the tristate outputs configured to output a 1 on any of the ‘programming pins’


  1. the chip is enabled for an internal RC oscillator

This does not seem to be mentioned in any of the Microchip documents and I suspect that it is only the Vellemann programmer which has this problem.

The ‘fix’ suggested by others (raise the pin on R13) may well work but a simpler and easier ‘fix’ which avoids unsoldering is to ground the base of Tr4. This ensures that TR4 is ‘off’ I used a couple of miniature probe clips wired together to short D7 - which does the same thing!

Then use the ‘bulk erase’ option (note: the ‘write’ option does not work)

Lo and behold all my PICs were cleared and could be reused.

Hi Denis

Yes your technique is similar to what I have finalised on my board.

I have neatly cut a track on the rear of the board and used the reset button to short the base of Q4 - so when it occurs again I can simply press the button and do the bulk erase.

Glad you are now up and running again with those PICs.

Some of the larger pics have a dedicated MCLR pin so this can stop the PIC running to allow reprogramming - unfortunately this pin on the 16F627/8 RA5 can be configured as an input and hence will not stop the program free running if configured this way.




I have the same problem. I tried to do modifications and connecting T4 to the ground. But it doesnt work?
Any sugestion?

Best regards



The purpose of this exercise is to clear the memory.
So try only to clear the memory with the Q4 grounded.

I have noticed that sometimes I did it a few times before it cleared.

The procedure does work.


“Device not blank at adress 000h”

What is the problem?
I cant write to pic…

Best regards


Q4? is that T4?

What i should connect to ground?


Best regards

Just built up a board someone bought me in March !!
Had same problems as some on here, checked everything out and still no good.
Checking my com1 port settings i noticed my interrupt was set to 4 ( should be for com1) but i only have a single comport so set it to 3 and board now working ???
At same time i deleted the 13 other comports that had been created by my bluetooth app - worth checking, so dont know which one worked as yet, just glad they did

Running XP home SP2.

My problem with “No device ID” went away after i got a new computer, which I only discovered recently. I still do not know if the problem was software or hardware unfortuntaely.

[quote=“Denis Johnston”]Following my post earlier today I think that I have now determined the cause of the problems with the PIC microprogrammer K8048 (and VM111)

Basically the programmer will not work if

  1. You are trying to reprogramme a chip that has any of the tristate outputs configured to output a 1 on any of the ‘programming pins’


  1. the chip is enabled for an internal RC oscillator

This does not seem to be mentioned in any of the Microchip documents and I suspect that it is only the Vellemann programmer which has this problem.

The ‘fix’ suggested by others (raise the pin on R13) may well work but a simpler and easier ‘fix’ which avoids unsoldering is to ground the base of Tr4. This ensures that TR4 is ‘off’ I used a couple of miniature probe clips wired together to short D7 - which does the same thing!

Then use the ‘bulk erase’ option (note: the ‘write’ option does not work)

Lo and behold all my PICs were cleared and could be reused.[/quote]

Sorry but what are you meaning fot tr4?