K8048 Programming a Pic

A while ago I built the K8048 kit, and uploaded a program to the pic. Since then it has just been sat, doing nothing. I recently then need to reprogram the pic, but heres the problem.
I have connected it to the computer and power supply but when i try and read from the pic or write to it I just get the error “No device id recieved.” Also when i try to read or write to it, the diagnostic lights flash. I think the board is grounding through the serial port and am not sure if this is correct or causing the problem, just seems strage that it did work and know it dosent. Any help would be appreciated

Make sure SW5 is in Prog position for reading or writing to the PIC.
Are oscillator jumpers installed?

Yes sw5 is in the program position but if no serial cable is connected the pic continues to run the previously installed program. So this also means that the jumpers are correct. I initally thought it could be a problem with the switch but after probing with a mulitmeter it seems ok. It might just be the case of a dry joint.
Any other suggestions would be welcome

If your ‘previous’ program is running on a XTAL osc., remove the OSC jumpers so that is will not ‘run’.

Have you used the MCLR/VPP pin as input ?
Have you already tried with another ‘empty’ PIC ?

I have the same problem…

I tried another pic, the same problem?

no device id

i tried with icprog

and i can read from device

but still one problem

i cant write to pic

"the device NOT blank at location 000h?


[quote=“graham”]Yes sw5 is in the program position but if no serial cable is connected the pic continues to run the previously installed program. So this also means that the jumpers are correct. I initally thought it could be a problem with the switch but after probing with a mulitmeter it seems ok. It might just be the case of a dry joint.
Any other suggestions would be welcome[/quote]
I had a similar problem with a cheap programmer from Hong Kong. The problem was that the serial link from host computer to PIC worked but the serial link from PIC to host computer was broken. If you’ve assembled the kit then check the circuitry around the transistors which return a signal to the host computer.