I purchased my board quite a while a go and was having problems. I then put it aside as I was getting a bit frustrated. I have put it back on my bench and been reading for a few hours on the net besides here trying to figure out what is wrong. In the process I have burnt some chips which do not work. My pc recognizes the board and I have checked my components and soldering to no avail. Led 9 also when the switch is in the middle (standby) position has a very faint flashing when the chip is in the socket. From reading here it should not be doing this and I think maybe this is my problem. Could somebody let me know if they have a remedy.
I have soldered numerous other projects including the old Heath kits and have made various other projects for radio control which are a lot smaller and I use a magnifyer with light to check my work.
Thanks in advance for any help or info I receive.
Today I removed all the sockets from the board and cleaned everything up with some desolder wick. After I started checking the pads and I found I have continuity (19k) between 18 and 17 and 1 and 2 on the 18 pin dip. When looking at the pic16F628 chip those pins are RA0 to RA3 and I don’t think they should have any connection as the leds with buttons are on the RB numbers.
Without having a schematic it is very hard for me to troubleshoot the board. Any help would be appreciatted.
Thanks, John
You can find the schematic in this manual. (Page 10)