K8048 Power supply


I have a k8048 PIC programmer. I am having a bit of trouble with it, the power LED still refuses to turn on, BUT the PIC can be written to, read from, and erased without a problem. However, if I set all output pins to ‘on’ only output LED’s 1 and 4 light up.
Could this be due to me using a regulted 15v power supply?
Sorry if this is a stupid question but I’m very new to all this.

Many thanks,



not a stupid question.

Firstly, are you sure that the power LED (LD7) is fitted to the board the correct way round?

Are you sure LED’s 2, 3, 5 & 6 are also fitted to the board the correct way round?

The flat side of LD7 should point toward ‘POWER’ on the PCB silkscreen & the flat sides of LD1 thru LD6 should point toward their respective label on the silkscreen (the right of the PCB).

Since you can read/write & erase the PIC, it is unlikely that the power supply you are using is not suitable. Velleman specify an unregulated 12v power supply, but mine works absolutely without any problem using a 12v regulated feed from a modified ATX PC PSU.