K8048 "no pic on board

hi :
I bought a k8048 board but I am having prblems .
When i try to write the DEMO1.HEX an error msg “no pic on board…”
Any help/hints/tips to any of the above would be much appreciated.

Many thanks.
F Valente

Hi F,

there are a few things you need to check:

Are you using a true COM port and not a USB converter?

Are you using the recommended power supply? Velleman recommend a 12V unregulated power supply. Some, myself included, have had success with regulated power supplies, but if you are having trouble, I would suggest you follow Velleman’s recommendation.

Is your board constructed correctly? Are you sure you haven’t got the voltage regulators mixed up, a diode in backwards, transistors in the wrong positions, etc etc.

Double-check everything with the build-sheet and once you are sure that all components are in their correct position, as well as being inserted the correct way round, turn the board over and using a bright light, inspect the tracks/pads for dry joints/solder bridges. You may need a magnifying glass or jeweller’s loupe, as it only takes a tin-whisker to cause problems.


Hi, mickster,thanks in advance.My PSU is 12V unregulated (500mA).
I’ll go check every things and then try again

Hi, Mickster,
In fact , i’d change place T1 for T3 (BC547,BC557).
Now works perfectly.
Thank you ,verymuch !!!
Best Regards
F. Valente

No problem, happy programming from now on.