The assembling, programming and code verifying just work fine (on the delivered PIC: 16F627). No errors were reported. :lol:
However: the examples “F84DEMO1.asm” and “F84DEMO2.asm” (running lights and push button reading/showing on the leds) do not work (I have not tried others) when I switch over to “RUN” mode (even giving an extra reset does not help).
When running “F84DEMO1”, LD1 goes on and nothing happens further. :?
When running “F84DEMO2”, nothing at all happens.
I am so sorry :oops: . The source files “demo1.asm” and “demo2.asm” do run properly . I was wronly using “F84DEMO1.asm” and “F84DEMO2.asm” I suppose.
I was a little mislead by the content of the two “F84DEMO…” files. The first says “Simple LED running light”, and the secone one says “Example file F84DEMO2: Pusbutton test”, so it seemed to be ok for me.
I can not see yet why “demo1” and “demo2” do work, and the “F84DEMO1.asm” and “F84DEMO2.asm” do not. I am still a novice in the usage of PIC’s.
The bundled PIC is a 16F627, which the Demo1, Demo2 etc. files are written for. You can see this if you look at the top section of the.asm files.
You may not realise that the F84 demo’s are written specifically for the 16F84 PIC.
As the PICs are different, some changes to the PIC configuration are required to make the F84 demo’s run on the 16F627.
Have a look at the datasheets for both PICs and see if you can figure out what needs to be changed. There are differences with the config word and the registers.
Thanks very much. I did indeed not realize that the F84 demo’s are for not for the PIC delivered with the K8048 kit. As you can see, I am a complete novice regarding PICs. :oops:
In Demo1.asm it is indeed indicated that it is for the PIC16F627, in the F84xxx files nothing is indicated, so I was unaware that they were not for the PIC delivered with the kit (the name of the .asm files “F84” did not mean anything to me at that time).
Thanks very much for the reply and the elucidation!