Is it possible to use the open collector outputs -of the K8046- as inputs for the VMB2BL without extra relais between those 2. If so, how must they be connected?
Is it possible to use the open collector outputs -of the K8046- as inputs for the VMB2BL without extra relais between those 2. If so, how must they be connected?
Yes, this is perfectly possible without additional relays. Connect the GND of the K8046 to each ‘-’ of the pushbutton inputs of the VMB2BL.
Connect each output of the K8046 to the ‘+’ of each pushbutton input of VMB2BL
When I want to use a 2 blind control with 1 up button and 1 down button may I put the up inputs in parallel ? (and also the down button inputs)
That should not be a problem. Mind the polarity.