K8044 is this the right Voltage Regulator?

the Voltage regulator i was supplyed for the K8044 was a 5v one and the product says that it out puts 12V how come its a 5V one?? The VR also get VERY VERY hot in use (to hot to touch) and the circut dosent want to work due to this hot VR

Sorry if this is in the wong area :oops:


The K8044 voltage regulator provides 5V for the µcontroller, not for the outputs. If it gets too hot, you’ve either inversed it, or there is an assembly problem which causes an excessive current to flow from the regulator.

Can you tell me how much current should be going in to the VR? and the it is also in the right way

{from another forum user}


See box 6 on page 8 of the instructions, and the board layout in box 18 on page 13.

I think the flat face of the canister of the regulator packaging needs to be facing inwards, away from the edge of the board.

I don’t see how you would measure the current even if you knew what it should be, but perhaps it would be easy to check that you’ve got something like 5Volts on Pin 14 of the PIC microprocessor IC1 : half-way along the inside edge, near the A of CHANNELS.

Good luck

its all fine but it wont work the voltage "for some reason " comming into the VR is 4.5V!!!

What voltage are you supplying at the input to the board (at SK11) ?

Are the 2 capacitors and 2 diodes (C1, C3, D11, D12) fitted the right way round?

Everything is ok and im supplying it 12V 400mA

Sorry, that’s the end of my suggestions. I don’t see how you can have 4.5v into the 78L05 from a supply of 12V if everything else has been assembled correctly. You need an over-voltage going in to the regulator to get the defined level out - I’m sure Velleman know that and would have designed it accordingly.

Well my grandad is taking in to my local electrician for me to see if he can find out whats wrong

Callum (CB Entertainments)

Well this has become the unknown mystery. Two electricians and the both don’t know whats happening :shock: :frowning:

If it’s not possible to fix it, please send the board to us for repair.

To what address and how much would it cost for the repair?

You find the address in the manual.
Repair is always less than price of kit. (shipping and handling not incl.)

How will payment be sent to you

You will receive an invoice after repair. After your payment your kit will be send back.