
Is it possible to increment the minutes digit while the counter is running?
That is, if the current display is say, 5min 10secs, can I apply a pulse to change that to 6min 10secs?

Thank you

No, that’s not possible.

I just want to now, if it is possible to connect another device to this timer, to obtain an acoustic beep, or if it has a acoustic beep when finish the count down.
Thanks for the response.

Yes, that’s possible.

Set the preset to 0000, count down from xxxx.
At 0000 the ouput will be tiggered, with an external circuit you must stop the count down triggering and drive a buzzer.

thank’s for answer.But i don’t understand exactly how it works.When the count down is 0000 automatic generate a current output that can automatically triggeryou a buzzer

Where is the output connection in the circuit?

I do hope you understand.

Thankyou again

I start the counter, with +5vconnection, with internal oscillator.
Can you tell me why the counter don’t stop on the preset value, when E.out is activated. The counter don’t stop ever, or if i take the contact with +5V.

This is normal? I want to count 5 min, and after that stop, it is possible? or is somthing rong with my circuits?
\I hope to find the answer here.