K8034 power slave, resistor burning up

I have the 8034 power slave module, and it works fine. There is one concern, R1, get’s very hot, it’s now discolored and so are the solder joints and PCB around the resistor. It get’s very hot even when there are no outputs connect or load.

Resistor is the right rating and ohms

manual and diagram vellemanusa.com/downloads/0/manual_k8034.pdf

The resistor dissipates a little bit more than 1 W, especially if the mainsvoltage is high.
At a voltage of 240V~ it dissipated already 1.25 watts.
At 230V~ (which is nominal) it dissipates 1.14 watts.
This is the reason of the discoloring of the resistor and the PCB.
The dissipation in the resistor is not dependant of the slave load, it supplies the electronic circuits on the board.
The power dissipated in R1 is to a high extend the “standby power” needed by the slave.

There should be no problem if you replace the resistor by one of 100R/1W (in stead of the 220R/1W now). This will bring the dissipation down to approx. 0.6 watts.
The worst case rush in current will be a little bit higher (3.25A in stead of 1.5A), but this should be no problem (this is very worst case, and the rush in time is very short).
If you feel incomfortable with changing the value to 100R, then try 2x 100R/1W in series in stead of the 220R. The dissipation per resistor will be approx. 0.6 watts, and also the PCB will become less hot.