K4305 potentiometer

I bought k4305 kit stereo vu meter. I was wondering if i can connect both pcbs to potmeter like this one https://www.velleman.eu/products/view/?id=8928? It is easier to regulate both plates together (with 1 potentiometer), rather than separately.

It is possible to connect like that?

Thank you

best regards

Yes, it is possible. Use a e.g. 22K log potmeter and wire it as a voltage devider in front of the VU-meter

What will be different if i use 220k lin potmeter?

Input impedance of K4305 is 47K, so it is better to use a smaller pot.

Ok. And what if i use lin potmeter insteed of log potmeter?

Adjust range will be weird.

Ok. thx for your help.