
just completed this kit,it works fine with a lamp and my electric drill.
However i have a trim router which has Brushes and is AC 230 volt
operated but i do not get any speed control like i get when the
drill is connected.The drill works exactly as i would expect.
When i connect the Router i get a small speed change at one stage point
with RV1.When used with the Router the controller is uselss.Any thoughts
on what maybe in the router that stops it from working as it should.Like the drill does.
Les Barwick.

to follow up on my pevious post.I found the possible reason.My router came from the USA and they have used a TRIAC to do the voltage conversion from 240v to 110v.I can only assume that this is the reason.
As i would like to use the controller with this,could i not just restrict the range of the K2636 to max 110v(firstly remove their Triac)
I know you dont generally modify.But could you offer some suggestions
on modifying it.I would accept full responsibility and as i am a Electronics tech,i do know the dangers involved.I look forward to your comments.
Les Barwick.

First, you have to be absolutely sure that your motor is not a brushless type. Next, the triac circuit needs to be removed or bypassed. Please note that if the K2636 fails for some reason, the motor will receive the full 230VAC.