K2634 - Multiple Cards

Small question due to circuit design.

I built another K2634 (Triac card, got about 10 of then, they are wonderful, even managed to write software that enable the user to dim lights using the K2634 and NO additional circuits, from a normal computer) and need to use it in conjunction with another K2634.

My project contains 2x K2634 cards, one of them has a 220v - 12v 10A transformer (to switch special spotlights) and it works fine.

The other card will switch directly the 220v.

In the project enclosure I also have a seperate transformer supplying 1500mA 9vDC.

Can I power BOTH cards using the same 9vDC transformer (since one is switching 12v ac, the other is switching 220v ac) or do I need to put in another 9vDC transformer?

Thank you.

For safety and to avoid difficulties, we’d recommend a separate power supply for each card.

Thank you, already done.

Hello everyone. I’m working on a project that involves 15 Velleman K2634 Triac cards that drive around 250 incandescent light bulbs (230VAC 25W each). I’m using 3 Velleman K8044 lighting effects generator cards to trigger the Triacs.

My question is, what kind of power supply(s) do I need for the 15 K2634 cards? Must I buy 15 seperate 9V DC 200mA supplies? Or can I buy 1 9V DC 3A supply?

I have had problems with the connecting the the AC mains to the K2634 Triac cards. When the “live” and “neutral” lines are reversed, I get a blowout where the +9V is tied with the mains on the K2634 card. Any tips on how to prevent this? I cannot be sure which way the end users will insert their plugs into their sockets!

Thanks very much for any response in advance. We are a bit crunched for time on this project.

-Jason Ditmars
Werk5 Digital Craft

You can use a single 9V supply for all the cards, if you make sure that the P & the N input of all cards are never reversed. This can be done by using a single plug for all cards.
Furthermore, make sure that the K8044 that drives the board is NOT powered from the 9V supply.