I’m so sorry for the delayed answer.
Please find the programming tool here:
Plug in the board in your PC and open K2400FirmwareTool.exe
Hallo, it works now! And it looks great. Thanks!
But I have a new question, maybe the last…
When I unplug the clock and then plug in it again, then a green circle runs and the clock looks for a WLAN. So I think the clock can not start without WLAN, right?
Just a pure guess but I think that’s where it gets the time from to set itself.
@Wrong_Way yes indeed!
It needs an WLAN to connect to the ntp servers.
The ring will stay green untill it finds the network.
Best Regards,
Hello Vel337 i am having the same problem and cannot compile again because i get the Neopixelbus error that more users have.
where can i download the firmwaretool again or all the libraries an thier correct version numbers
Hello @jvsmem For correct compiling and uploading the firmware of K2400, you’ll need to use Arduino 1.8.6 ~ 1.8.9.
The original Libraries can be downloaded from here: https://we.tl/t-P6SqQIhvf0 .
Remove the current installed libraries called:
- Neopixelbus
- ESPAsyncWebServer
- ArduinoJson
or place these in “old” folder. Then place the old libraries from zip file (link above) in the arduino library folder. To get no double conflictable libraries or library errors.
In the meantime we will check if the firmware can be updated so that it can compile with the latest arduino and library versions.
Best Regards,
Velleman Support
Thx for the libraries now it worked and the clock is up and running again