Just thought I would let you know that a complete novice can build the K8048 and make it work. Having deliberated on whether to save £10 and buy the pre-soldered version I decided that nothing ventured nothing gained and bought the K8048. Everything went reasonably well until I figured out I had put all the LED’s round the wrong way. Still with a little bit of research on the internet I figured out that the long leg (anode) went towards the series resistor. Maybe just a bit dumb but that was the only bit on the construction instructions I didnt quite understand. After fixing the led’s plugged it in and loaded the demo file and it worked first time. The only continuing problem is that the subd 9 pin plug doesnt fit on the board with its cover on. Had to take it off to make it fit. Would have probably been better to make the cable first and then made sure before soldering that the socket was at the correct angle. Intend to cut a little bit out of the circuit board to make it fit. Only looks like the earth plane that will be affected slightly.
One question. I am using an unregulated 12 volt supply rated for 400 ma. It works OK but hoping the board is not taking too much current as I need the regulator for something else and dont want to burn it out.