Have i bought the right kit K8055?


I have bought the above kit with the hope of eventaually making a Remotely Operated vehicle using an old remote control car and the interface. (with umbilical cord)

I realise that this kit is advanced for a newbie like myself but i thought i could at least test the interface,learn some VB _enough for my simple project and then build the vehicle. But i have stumbled at the very first step.

I have connected leds to the digitall outs and used the supplied software demo to connect to the board. I hoped to see the led light up when i tested it but it does not. I was hoping that the principal of this usb interface meant that i could use this as a on/off switches for motors,lights etc using the interface on my laptop and havint the light come on, on the vehicle but why is there no leds coming on when i toggle the switch ?

I have read the documentation and the jumpers are on for usb power to power the leds.

Any help appreciated…


Have you connected the LEDs according to the connection diagram on page 22 of the manual?

Thanks for your reply.

Yes i have connected the LEDS as they should be.

I should rephrase my original question, one step at a time i guess ;should there be any current exiting the outputs when using the supplied diagnostic software (K8055 DEMO) and ticking the relevant output boxes?

I would think there would be. When i connect a simple switch as an input a little lightbulb on the demo software lights up.

Do i have to use a custom made script or can the supplied software work to test whether the output will send out a low voltage .

By the way the PCB test leds light up when doing tests.



Yes i have connected the LEDS as they should be.[/quote]
Are you sure?

You need to apply a voltage.
