Getting started.. with some problems (K8048)


I just bought my K8048 PIC programmer (i’m quiet a newbie in Microcontroller programming), but I soldered PIC18 the other way :frowning: my fault :stuck_out_tongue: but, could it make problems, if i’m using PIC8 socket?!
… because, when I wanted to write demo programm on PIC, error poped up - “No pic on board/pic mismatch with programm/switch have to be on PRG” (Switch was on Prog. and all jumper was taken off, programmer was detected and in software Pic code was selected (PIC12F629), the same as on PIC)… What could be the reason of that error? I have to buy new PIC18 socket, and change it?!

PS.: I’m using default software from installation mini-CD…

PPS.: Sorry, but english isn’t my native language :wink:

Installing the 18 pin socket wrong will not cause your problem as it is just a socket. The only way it may cause problems, is if you forget it is wrong and insert the PIC with the notch toward the LED’s.

De-solder the socket and fit it the correct way. You will need some solder-wick, or a de-solder pump and the socket will come out easily.

Are you using the recommended power supply?

Velleman recommends an UNREGULATED 12v power supply, which will output around 15v.



I just bought my K8048 PIC programmer (i’m quiet a newbie in Microcontroller programming), but I soldered PIC18 the other way :frowning: my fault :stuck_out_tongue: but, could it make problems, if i’m using PIC8 socket?!
… because, when I wanted to write demo programm on PIC, error poped up - “No pic on board/pic mismatch with programm/switch have to be on PRG” (Switch was on Prog. and all jumper was taken off, programmer was detected and in software Pic code was selected (PIC12F629), the same as on PIC)… What could be the reason of that error? I have to buy new PIC18 socket, and change it?!

PS.: I’m using default software from installation mini-CD…

PPS.: Sorry, but English isn’t my native language ;)[/quote]I may have this wrong so don’t quote me on this, but i thought the jumpers had to be set to the socket that required the oscillator (crystal). So like, i’ve only just got mine working, programmed a 627 and a 628 both 18pin PIC’s, my jumpers are on JP4 and JP3

Ang yes, as said above as long as the actual PIC is in the right way (with the notch facing upwards towards the serial port end of the board) then it will still work fine.

I’m took power supply from my access point (output 12v, 500mA)… There have to be 15v output?? because in manual were said “12v - 15v, at least 300 mA”…

And… i tested it on PIC8, so i don’t needed to put on any jumpers.

So the reason of failure could be the power supply?!

Some steps you should check.

  1. Is the PCB built correctly.
  2. Is the power supply correct.
  3. Are you using a REAL com port. (not an adaptor)
  4. Is the com port address correct.
  5. Is the com cable built correctly.
  6. In ‘Standby’, is only LD7 lit.
  7. In ‘Run’, is LD7 lit & LD9 flashing @ 2Hz.
  8. In ‘Prog’, are LD7 + LD8 lit & LD9 flashing @ 2Hz.


[quote=“Nauris”]I’m took power supply from my access point (output 12v, 500mA)… There have to be 15v output?? because in manual were said “12v - 15v, at least 300 mA”…

And… i tested it on PIC8, so i don’t needed to put on any jumpers.

So the reason of failure could be the power supply?![/quote]I doubt it, I’ve run mine off a regulated 12v 3A supply as well as an unregulated 12v 1A supply, and both have worked fine. So i dont think having an EXACT 15v supply is crucial here


  1. i checked… and only mistake was that, the noch of PIC18 socket was incorrect way.
  2. as I said… i’m using 12V 500mA power supply, i took from Access point.
  3. there are no adapters, it’s the right one
  4. the PicProg 2.6.0 found K8048 on Com1, so it should be.
  5. Yep… checked, without any mistake.
  6. LD7 is ok
  7. LD9 too
  8. but… i think, in the start LD 8 was lit, but at the end, it wasn’t lit on Prog :confused:

PS.: I tried to put PIC16F84A in PIC18 socket and program found the PIC, but on Prog, was error:

write error at: 0000
wrote 280A
Read: 3FFF

it could be related to LD8 error?