Extruder temperature

I am a newbie with this machine so I am trying to figure things out. I also have a competitor 3D printer to compare things to, which is why I am finding things to be odd.
What is the correct setting for the extruder temperature? During the test phase the extruder temperature is set to 190 C is this the proper temperature? I ask because I imported an STL file and used the SLCR program to generate the G-Code but when I looked at the temperature it was set to 245 C. I checked the printer setting and it is defaulted to 190. So I am wondering which one is correct. Why would the SLCR program set the temp so high. On my other printer the temp is set to 230 C. It also uses a thinner filament. Any help would be greatly appreciated.

Did you check the filament settings in slic3r?
Also check the start g-code. It might be set there too.

Temperature depends on multiple factors.

  1. Filament. Depending on the manufactor and even the colour of the filament, you need different temperatures.
  2. Print Speed. The faster you print the more temperature you need.
  3. What kind of Hotend are you printing with? Jheads (mostly passiv cooled) like the stock K8200 Hotend doesn’t need as much temperature than an all metal hotend (active cooled) because the melting zone is bigger.

Every time i start using a new filament or a new colour i start with a low temperature and press the filament with my hand through the extruder. That helps you get a feeling of the force you need to extrude the filament.
If it’s too cold, you need a lot of force and the filament cooles really fast and gets hard after coming out of the noozle.
If it’s too hot the filament is really hot coming out of the noozle and curles up before hardening.

Now, you got a temperature range you can print with.

I think he just wanted to know why the tep setting is changed during slicing.
But your description might help him understand temp setting better too.

Everybody thank you for your input. I understand. I will tinker with the heat settings until I get the flow right. Thanks again. This is reminiscent of the old DOS days or AUTOCAD for you all that make your own 3D models (I do) way back when where you had to do everything. My other printer does everything automatically. But this puts the fun back in. You get to think again. Refreshing.

If there are temperature commands (ie. M109) in the start code, Slic3r will NOT issue any further temperature commands.

For some reason the Velleman version of Slic3r comes set up that way.