Every axes (XYZ) is working fine, heater and heat bed is working fine too. I waited for the temperature to reach (190C) and settle for around 5min. But the extruder motor would not turn. I dismounted it from the gear to make extra sure there is no load of some sort. Every time I hit the manual extrude button a red flash LED shows up as shown below. Please do help me out. Thanks
[quote=“marek”]Every axes (XYZ) is working fine, heater and heat bed is working fine too. I waited for the temperature to reach (190C) and settle for around 5min. But the extruder motor would not turn. I dismounted it from the gear to make extra sure there is no load of some sort. Every time I hit the manual extrude button a red flash LED shows up as shown below. Please do help me out. Thanks
Does the led just flash or light up constantly?
It just stays ON
Have a look at the Wiki about this and check all proposed solutions.
All the steps mentioned in the Wiki was done, but still again the motor does not turn.
It should stay on for the length of time it takes to extrude the fillament you have asked it to then go off.
So short length of fillament, on for short time. Longer length of filament, on for longer time, then off.
Recheck the colours at both ends of the soldered joints.
Board end: Flat cable → Connector.
(1) Blue → Yellow
(1) Green → Orange
(2) Yellow → Red
(2) Orange → Brown
Motor end: Flat cable → Motor.
(1) Blue → Blue
(1) Green → Red
(2) Yellow → Green
(2) Orange → Black
If it’s wiring related, it’s possable that you have a (1) and (2) swaped someware.
If thats all ok post back and I’ll give you the next set of tests to do.
The wiring is done good I now triple checked it. It is accordingly to as instructed. Still no movement
Ok, swap two of the motor plugs over on the main board extruder & any other (don’t make any big moves as you will have no endstops).
Do both motors run?
I already replaced the extruder motor with a new one that I bought from conrad.de (same motor model) and would not turn. Please check the above things I already did as some of the suggestion are already done.