Even More k8045 problems

hello everyone,

my k8045 is not working properly and i do not know what is wrong. When it is started it shows the message with the version number and then it shows the numbers 1 to 8. All the inputs work, but is i change dipswitch to on, as it says in the manual all i get is a black screen. The screen is still on though and it does not display any input messages like it should- only 1,2, and 3 work.

If i put both dipswitches to on, then it displays a blank screen. None of the inputs work.

I have checked all of the component values and the solder contacts and they are all fine. Does anyone know what the problem could be?


If 1…8 is displayed and an ‘x’ is displayed when the input is active, then the unit working quite normally. Make sure dipswitches and their pull-up resistors are OK. Check with multimeter. Also check continuity from d. sw. to µ controller. When both dipswitches are flipped in the ‘on’-position, it is normal that the screen blanks, as this is the RS232-mode

thankyou for the reply. However it still does nod explain why the inputs will only be shown on the screen in the mode where both dipswitches are in the ‘off’ position, and only 1,2 and 3 work properly when dipswitch 2 in in the ‘on’ position. What could that be about? Is it the microchip?

thankyou once again for the reply. :slight_smile:

Now you’ve got us confused:

Please explain clearly what you get for each dipswitch position:

both off:

1 on, 2 off:

1 off, 2 on:

both on:

1 off 2 on —
Screen goes black, still on, but black.
only inputs 1,2 and 3 work.

1 on 2 off —
same as before

1 off 2 off —
all works as said in the manual

1 on 2 on —
blank screen

so what do you think could the problem be?

Never Mind…
I just bought a new one which worked perfectly…

Note: the instruction manual can be confusing as resistors are mounted R1,R2,R3,R4,R5,R7… Missing every 6th one to be mounted later…

Thankyou anyway…