I am looking for the Visual Basic source code to the DMX demo software supplied with the VM116. Cant seem to find it anywhere. Either that or i just need to know how i would be able to fade a dmx channel in a set amount of time.
To get the a DMX channel to fade smoothly you can use a timer.
Every time the timer is activated send a new value to the DMX channel.
Calculate proper value change.
You may use timer interval of 50ms or 100ms for example.
If you like to fade the channel from max (255) to min (0) in one second using 50ms timer, the DMX channel setting will be updated 200 times during the fade time.
Decrease the value sent to the DMX fixture every time by 255/200=1.275.
You have to use real numbers for calculating the DMX value and round it to integer when sending it to the fixture.