I successfully assembled kit K8009 and would like to extend it with 6 big 20cm LED Display kits (K2567)
Following (at least trying to) the desription below (found on the web site) I won’t make it. Can someone explain me in more detail what is meant exactly and how I should do it. A scheme would help.
An example: The 1k pull-up resistor at collector T9 to T16: Do they replace existing resistors or do I just add them somewhere?
Info from website:
Connecting the 20cm display common anode K2567 with K8009 multi function clock :
Modification on K8009 :
1K pull up resistor at collector of T9 to T16 to +VL
Modification on each (6) K2567 :
1K pull down resistor between cathode D1 to -V
Note: the displays must be set up for multiplex mode.
Do not mount the decimal point transistor T4 on digit 2 and digit 4.
Do not mount resistor R9 on digit 2 and digit 4.
Connection :
Segments are connected at collectors of T9 to T16
T9= segment a
T10= segment b
T15= segment c
T14= segment d
T16= segment e
T11= segment f
T12= segment g
T13= decimal point (*)
The decimal point LEDs of digit 2 must be connected to digit 3.
The decimal point LEDs of digit 4 must be connected to digit 5.
Commons are connected at collectors of :
T17= digit 1 (Left)
T18= digit 2
T19= digit 3
T20= digit 4
T21= digit 5
T22= digit 6
Note :
The -V of the digits must be connected to the GND o
I finally managed to connect the six 20 cm displays (k2567) to the digital clock (k8009) after a very long search (for support). Finally I made it with the help of some excellent collegues in the field of electronics.
I don’t have much to say so I took some pictures of the setup while I was making progress during the whole process.
The most important remark I have is that each k2567 kit had a short-circuit on the print board which was the main reason for my struggle.
If someone should have extra questions, don’t hesitate to contact me through this forum. It 's quite easy after you have done it once.
I have made the clock and de big display’s. The LED’s of the Display where in daylight bad to see. I have changed the led’s for High output led’s. Now is the display flickering. Is there anybody who can help me with sugestions?
Could it be flickering at the frequency of the multiplexing that is now more visible or maybe the current isn’t correct anymore. Maybe correcting the value of the resistances to a more appropriate value. Be carefull with the transistor and its max current.
I 've put the displays behind a red plexi and the result is rather ok. Sure in the evening and little more at daylight.