Com port ot usable

Hi all,
I work on a (xp) laptop and a (xp) desktop PC.
Normal the comport1 on both machines is not available.
this is due the fact that somewhere an application during startup grabs the comport. I have no idea which application.

The turn-around is: goto “apparaat beheer” and switch off the com1 port.
The system ask you to restart so do so.
during startup the comport cannot made "busy"by the “bad” program.
After startup you can go again to “apparaat beheer” and switch on the com1 port.
Now the velleman prog kit is working because the comport1 is "free 'now
If anybody knows the com1port grabber let me know!!

try to disabe the fax service i had kind of the same problem and it turned out to be the fax service checking for incoming call or something (configuratie scherm -> prestaties en onderhoud -> systeembeheer -> services -> fax).