Can a PIC16f88 be programmed on a K8048 board?

Is there a software update to allow a K8048 to programme a PIC16f88


can any other pic programming software be used with a K8048 board.




No, I’m sorry, This PIC controller is not supported.
Visit the product page @ our website for an actual device list.

In another post you suggest that the programming software may be updated - can other pIC16 devices be added to the list?

downloading a hex file is possible ( even a 16F88) with : WinPic

Thanks for the pointer.


Patje101, any chance you could post the settings for winpic?

I downloaded the software but it states my interface isn’t recognised and just gives errors.

I’m having issues with serial port and usb to serial needing to swap over but unless I know the settings are correct I may be going down the wrong lines.

If you could post the working settings/configuration for the interface I would be very grateful :slight_smile:

[edit] NVM, found out how to load the .ini file by reading through the help a bit more. Not exactly crystal clear but got there in the end up and thats all that matters.[end edit]