I have two programmers: the older 8048’1 and new 8076’1.
As I have several 16F876A to program it is rather unconfortable to use 8048 programmer.
But, the “ProgPic2006 Version” does not support 16F876A at 8076’1 programmer.
Can somebody give me a hint how to program 16F876A with 8076’1 ?
Although the software indicates support for the PIC16F876A, is the hardware of the K8076 programmer able to support the Microchip Programming Specifications for this device? (I think perhaps it is not.)
I have the same problem :
After ICP-programming a 16F876A, the verify-routine stops with error message “error writing pic”. After ‘clear Pic’ and programming again, it stops verifying at a diffferent address…
Maybe the original ICSP cable is to long ?
All signals, measured at the PIC-pins looked fine, timings seems to be o.k.
I use K8076 an picprog2006_rev2_2.zip