5 contadores con k8055n

hello, I need five pulse counters with 5 digital inputs of K8055N, I need it in visual basic 6

That is possible.

hello, could send me please

I said it is possible. I didn’t mean that I am going to write Visual Basic code for you.

You have not provided enough of a functional specification to write any code yet anyway. If you do, I can help you to write that program.

That functional specification needs to answer some questions. Including, but not limited to:
[ul][li]Is this going to be a console or Windows application?[/li]
[li]Description of all UI elements and their function. (Console applications also have a UI - it isn’t as obvious, but they do)[/li]
[li]What is the speed of the input signals (minimum contact duration and maximum impulse frequency)?[/li]
[li]Does the application remember counters over a restart?[/li]
[li]What does the application do in case of card disconnect?[/li][/ul]

Add any other details that you can think of to be important.

hello, I just want five counters reset, and debounce time 2ms

The K8055N firmware does not maintain counters for all 5 digital inputs. Due to the USB latency, you cannot get 2ms debounce time on inputs I3…I5, since you would have to implement those counters on the PC side.

The Open8055 firmware does maintain counters with 0.1 to 5,000.0 millisecond debounce time on all 5 inputs. Since I just moved the whole thing to a client/server model in Python, I don’t have the PC side code at this point to use it form Visual Basic or any other compiled language. This would require you to modify your K8055N with a custom PIC anyway.